
Tips on Lightening Your Load Before Moving

January 03, 2023, 10:00

While your moving checklist is overflowing, make sure to put paring down your belongings at the top! You do not want to haul any additional items that you no longer want as that will make your move even more strenuous and stressful.  Consider these tips to truly lighten your load as you head into a new phase of your life.…

How To Move With Kids

December 18, 2022, 9:35

With so much change surrounding a move, kids can feel overwhelmed and anxious even more than adults. While kids are often more adaptable and resilient, there are ways to help them through the transition that can be very difficult in the moment. Talk it Out: Do not have moving discussions behind closed doors. Your children are perceptive and will feel…

Items You Should Not Pack on a Moving Truck

November 11, 2022, 11:06

Our team at Marcus Allard Truck Rental understands that there are so many things to consider, plan for and anticipate when you are moving! It can be a very overwhelming process, from packing to transporting your belongings to your new place. Here we take a look at what you should not pack into a moving box truck rental: Chemicals: If you have…

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