
How a Road Trip Can Ease the Winter Blues

December 01, 2020, 6:32

How a Road Trip Can Ease the Winter Blues Looking for things to do this winter? If you find yourself falling into the same routine, consider hitting the road for an adventure. Coordinating a winter road trip isn’t impossible as long as you keep your eye on the weather, so take advantage of the next clear, sunny day and go…

Dorm Move-In Tips

September 24, 2020, 13:11

Starting college is often the first step into adulthood. The prospect of meeting new people, networking with professionals, and learning more about ourselves can be exciting. But none of that can happen before getting settled on campus. Moving can be an intensely emotional time in anyone’s life without the stress of college. When you add the anxiety of starting a…

Vacation Planning Can Boost Your Mood

September 15, 2020, 6:01

Family vacations are a fun way to spend time with each other and make life-long memories - especially when you rent a passenger van from Marcus Allard Truck Rental! But what if we told you the best part of your vacation isn’t actually the vacation? Research suggests that simply planning for your next trip, no matter how far in advance…

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